I love cycling. In the late 1980’s and early 90’s, I raced for the Veltec Boyer and Bridgestone cycling teams. After racing I got into bicycle touring around American and in Europe, including an almost 6,000 mile solo journey across the United States. I am a member of Team Bad Boy and finisher of many RAGBRAI’s and Ride the Rockies tours. My love for the sport is and always will be strong and my focus now is that of a fan.
Going to races and events and shaking a cowbell is such a great way to share my joy in racing! What I love in the Campanacci experience is giving the fans and supporters of competitors an enhanced experience with our Cowbell Tambourine. With a Campanacci you can be loud and proud with your cowbells and have a great place to collect and keep cowbells from events and races that you have attended. I hope you enjoy your Campanacci and the “Enhanced Cowbell Experience”
Ring Loud!
I am a RABID cycling fan. That is it. I’m not a cyclist and at best I consider myself a commuter. But I LOVE the sport, and in discovering cycling through Rob I found what I consider to be the most beautiful and graceful expression of athleticism and team. It is profound to me. Being roadside at races gives me such thrilling joy, and the sense of community with the athletes and fans is amazing!
I discovered early that one cowbell wasn’t enough. With Campanacci I know that the athletes can hear my pride and excitement in their efforts. Fans, spectators, and athletes are drawn to this cowbell tambourine, and we find a larger voice together! And together we share our encouragement and admiration for the effort and strength that these risk-takers and believers show for the love of their sport. It’s freaking AMAZING!!!
Can’t Ring it Loud Enough!